Sunday, December 7, 2008

Reflective Letter [DRAFT]

To: Portfolio Readers

-----I have put together a portfolio that contains my work over this quarter. Included is my first essay “Mistreatment of Indians,” my second essay “Story of a Georgia Loyalist” and my in-class final exam. English being my second language made it hard for me to produce well written essays, but from practicing and receiving feedback from my class mates and teacher, I have improved on my writing.

-----My Writing Philosophy before writing my essays was never producing more than one draft because it was not needed. However, after writing my first draft on my essay “Mistreatment of Indians,” I received a lot of good and bad feedback from my classmates and teacher. I realized that I needed to make many changes to my essay and I ended up re-writing it. I learned that my Writing Philosophy was not a good one because writing multiple drafts does make a big difference. In my opinion my final draft was written a lot better than what I have written the first time. Even though I received a low score on the final draft, I learned that my voice is well captured when I write and I have good ideas, but I need to work on organizing my thoughts.

-----As I made changes to the final draft of my first essay I knew what I needed to work on for my second essay “Story of a Georgia Loyalist.” This essay was a lot easier for me to write personally because it included some creative writing. The most difficult part of writing the essay was searching for information, other than that I didn’t have much difficulties. My final score was better than my first score on the second essay, which proves that I have improved on my writing. I still need to work on organizing my thoughts so the essay is clear. I know that I will keep improving on my writing because I specifically know my strengths and weaknesses.

-----Starting this class I knew I was not a good writer. After producing these papers I feel more confident in my work and see a big improvement. No one is a bad writer.


Unknown said...

okay you have a good start I like how it flows.

If you added quotes and talked more about your essays and your strengths and weaknesses it would be more complete.

Maybe if you went a little more in-depth about your writing experience then it would be stronger introduction to your pro- folio.

Overall I would say this is good you just need to fine tune it

JessicaAckerman said...

I don't think that you have to address who you are sending the Reflection to becuase it's not an actuall letter. Good honesty shown; your strengths and weaknesses. I like how you go though and explain about each essay, maybe you could talk a little bit about essay 3. Also, I would make the ending a little bit stronger, to really end on a good note for the reader, add a little more depth. Or add a little bit more on some of more of your improvements. Great start though!

JessicaAckerman said...

Sorry, nevermind about what I said about Essay #3, just write about which ones you put in your portfolio.