Monday, September 22, 2008

PSEC Admission Essay

Being the change that I would like to see in the world is an opportunity of a lifetime to somehow influence and reflect on my community. Throughout my life, I have been a witness to incredible changes that people around me experienced because I have dedicated my time to work with them regardless what the sacrifice would require. Because I have experienced such encounters with people around me, I was able to influence and change lives through the good message that I have spoke to them.

I have always been a person that wanted to make a change in our youth today. I grew up in a Christian family and my religious belief has always been the main aspect of my life. Preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ made me excited and provided me with faith. With such a look on life, I have always wanted to preach the gospel to the uprising generation. Throughout my teen years I was provided with such opportunities and I am glad to state today that I have dedicated everything to influence and help someone’s life.

I have committed my time by evangelizing to youth. Whether it was dealing with emotional or spiritual difficulties, I was able to find a connection with every person that I came in contact with. I have devoted my life, heart, and time to change this uprising generation with the good message of Jesus Christ that I preached to the young teens in my community and a few people in New York. I was able to overlook fear and discomfort. I set myself to a goal and I did the best I could to accomplish it, regardless the outcomes of my tries.

I recall a successful encounter with a person in New York. I am a spiritual and sensitive person. When I was talking to this person, I can testify that I felt his questionable and wondering heart inside my heart and I received courage to come up to him. After our conversation he told me that I “was like an angel sent to him from God above”. At that point of my life, I knew that I have somehow influenced and changed this person’s perspective on life.

By creating the change I want to witness in this world, I receive more courage to accomplish things unimaginable. I have set a goal, and I am accomplishing it day by day. Although I can be one person in the world, I can become a world to someone. I am not looking for self-honor, but I am looking for people who are willing to allow me to help them through the process of change. Everyone searches for happiness, but without labor there will be no produce.

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